Poured 0.5l bottle into a Hefeweizen glass. ABV 5.3%
Appearance: Pale goleden to light amber color. Mild hazy. Tall and foamy white head, with good retention and good lacing. Very high carbonation visible.
Smell: Yeast, moderate banana aroma.
Taste: Wheat, malt, gentle bitterness from hops, banana notes in traces coming through from the background, but without any of the traditional clove or bubblegum flavors.
Mouthfeel: Crisp, light-to-medium bodied, well balanced, good carbonation in the mouth.
Overall: Refreshing, pleasant and thirst quenching, but not much of a taste. Decent enough, but pretty average for the style.
Brewer: Erdinger | ABV: 5.3% | Price: €5.50